Member-only story
Writing Challenge — Day 14
Power of Execution
There is always a certain amount of caution we must take when we employ two words: always and never.
With due precaution, let me write this: Execution is the biggest power we have on a daily basis. Most likely, nothing will beat what you can do and learn from what you do. Experience is the best teacher in life. That is exactly what life teaches us.
Prioritize and Execute — The information flood
One of the base rules from one of the greatest leadership books I have read in my life is “Extreme Ownership: How the U.S. NAVY SEALS Lead and Win”, by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.
This amazing principle is exactly what it means: Know your order of priorities. And go… Get. Them. Done.
With today’s access to such quantities of information everywhere, we are now ignorant by choice and overwhelmed by reality. We can know so much about any subject at any given moment that knowledge has lost perceived value over time. What is appreciated nowadays, more than knowledge, is practicality and experience. People who have not just learned, but experienced. Not simply studied, but executed. Execution differs from knowledge in one wise aspect: theory is only great in the mind. Reality tests the true veracity of any theory. Although…