Member-only story
Writing Challenge — Day 10
10 days already? Time does fly by fast when we are so embraced in a challenge so enjoyable as this one.
Freedom is an excellent topic to write about and a complex endeavor to pursue. First, it needs to be defined. Then, to be understood how different it is in the various dimensions of life. This is the definition (according to the Oxford Dictionary) of freedom:
The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants; the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.
So, in fact, it is doing what we want to do. That is what it means to be free. There are some limitations to it, though. We have laws, to guarantee the safety of citizens. So, there are rules to this freedom. Which is already a paradox, right?
Freedom is a theme discussed since the early days of philosophy. For it is the power one individual has to do whatever he wants, it has to have some kind of rules applied, because if someone decides to interfere with another’s freedom, then it does not classify as pure freedom, but as imposed freedom. The famous phrase “the liberty of one starts where the liberty of the other ends.” Sounds like it resolves every issue about this. So we have one rule: the freedom to perform our actions may only directly affect our sphere of influence, meaning it cannot affect other’s lives without…